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24 December 2011

A letter from Jesus

Christmas is glorious
Of its Holy gift we sing
Of a manger and baby
Our blessed newborn king

Thanksgiving is so grand
Our thanks to God we give
For His unending bounty
Gracing each day we live


A letter from Jesus

As you well know, we are getting closer to my birthday. Every year there is
a celebration in my honor and I think that this year the celebration will be

During this time there are many people shopping for gifts, there are many
radio announcements, TV commercials, and in every part of the world everyone
is talking that my birthday is getting closer and closer.

It is really very nice to know, that at least once a year, some people think
of me.

As you know, the celebration of my birthday began many years ago.

At first people seemed to understand and be thankful of all that I did for
them, but in these times, no one seems to know the reason for the

Family and friends get together and have a lot of fun, but they don't know
the meaning of the celebration. I remember that last
year there was a great feast in my honor. The dinner table was full of
delicious foods, pastries, fruits, assorted nuts and
chocolates. The decorations were exquisite and there were many, many
beautifully wrapped gifts.

But, do you want to know something? I wasn't invited.

I was the guest of honor and they didn't remember to send me an invitation.

The party was for me, but when that great day came, I was left outside, they
closed the door in my face... and I wanted to be
with them and share their table.

In truth, that didn't surprise me because in the last few years all close
their doors to me. Since I wasn't invited, I decided to
enter the party without making any noise. I went in and stood in a corner.

They were all drinking; there were some who were drunk and telling jokes and
laughing at everything. They were having a grand time.

To top it all, this big fat man all dressed in red wearing a long white
beard entered the room yelling Ho-Ho-Ho! He seemed drunk. He sat on the
sofa and all the children ran to him, saying: "Santa Claus, Santa Claus" as
if the party were in his honor!

At midnight all the people began to hug each other; I extended my arms
waiting for someone to hug me and do you know no-one hugged me.

Suddenly they all began to share gifts. They opened them one by one with
great expectation. When all had been opened, I looked to see if, maybe,
there was one for me. What would you feel if on your birthday everybody
shared gifts and you did not get one?

I then understood that I was unwanted at that party and quietly left.

Every year it gets worse. People only remember the gifts, the parties, to
eat and drink, and nobody remembers me.

I would like this Christmas that you allow me to enter into your life.

I would like that you recognize the fact that more than two thousand years ago
I came to this world to give my life for you, on the
cross, to save you.

Today, I only want that you believe this with all your heart.

I want to share something with you. As many didn't invite me to their party,
I will have my own celebration, a grandiose party
that no one has ever imagined, a spectacular party. I'm still making the
final arrangements...

Today I am sending out many invitations and there is an invitation for you.
I want to know if you wish to attend and I will make a reservation for you
and write your name with golden letters in my great guest book.

Only those on the guest list will be invited to the party.

Those who don't answer the invite, will be left outside. Be prepared because
when all is ready you will be part of my great

See you soon. I Love you!


11 November 2011

Did we forget the poorest of the poor?

Some would ask... What are you getting at? The question however remains; Did we forget the poorest of the poor?

I am not asking this question because its nice to ask, I am asking it because I see no improvement, 1) In the lives of our poor people 2) In the conditions 3) In the delivering of services!!!

Where did it all go wrong though? It went wrong immediately after those in power decided to ignore their plea. One would recall during this year's municipal elections when prominent leaders were on the campaign trail most of them were lambasted. There was even a time where the ruling party and the official opposition had a toilet fight, yes they tried to compete as to who was better or worse when it come to the issue of sanitation.

Today however is not to talk about toilets or the provision of services. Today I want to highlight the importance of a caring government. I'm not saying that our Government in South Africa is not caring, what I am saying is that their programs is not beneficial to the poor. What a contradictory statement some would say?

Let's do some quick mental maths. Exempt taxi's and some busses (in fear of a revolt) who doesn't contribute to the GDP (with the exception of refuelling) or paying taxes, from paying of tollfees. Building or procuring a highspeed train that doesn't serve it's purpose (which was to reduce traffic congestion and provide alternative means of public transport). Then force the already cashed strapped public to pay for tollfees in excess of more than R50 per single trip from one city to another.

I am convinced that this wasn't thought through as the very means of fuel or food transportation are charged almost R100 per single trip from one city to another. This has resulted in regular and uneven increases on food and fuel prices.

The poorest of the poor therefore suffers the most when it comes to the availability of essential household items. Paraffin which is use at almost every informal settlement is priced at more than the price for petrol or diesel. To buy a loaf of bread is almost also equivalent to the price of these fuels.

My question therefore remains...

SO many questions - SO little answers...

Is the ruling ANC still delivering on it's mandate?


This would probably the first time to say it in the open but I have to agree with Eric Myeni when he said that the ANC was NOT for BLACKS - it is a party for whites (http://www.businesslive.co.za/southafrica/2011/08/23/anc-policy-favours-whites---miyeni). I would not have believed it if I didn't see or hear it.

YES I did witness it! Yesterday 10 November 2011 at about 10h00 CAT (Central African Time). This time we did not use African time though as the verdict on ANCYL leaders was delivered on the dot. Normally as Africans we don't always stick to punctuality. This time/day however was different. Media reporters said it all in Bold as their frontpages welcomed us on almost every streetlightpole in Johannesburg. Headlines such as D-day for JuJu, Long walk to Polokwane and other extracts greeted us, on all these lamppost, there was not once a mention of the other Youth League leaders, mostly JuJu.

How powerful is this young firebrand leader? What impact is he making? Does he deserve that much exposure?

He is the kind of person that leaves CEO's and other management teams having sleepless nights. Even today most of those running big business are NOT SURE whether his suspension must be seen as victory or otherwise as he planted the seeds already. This however is not what I wanted to relay.

My message would be something like this::: "Whites are now supporting ANC as ANC listened to their outcry." Why such a statement some would ask! Whenever the name Malema is mentioned shivers going some of our spines. Sometimes for good reasons sometimes for the bad,we must however admit that this leader is having guts.

Now the why::: Julius Malema and other prominent Youth League leaders were charged, disciplined and subsequently suspended. Hear this ----> immediately after the DC Chairperson a white dude mentioned that the leaders would be suspended for two years, almost all the reporters,journalists and other interest groups in attendance at the media briefing echoed in affirmation, as if they've predicted it, through the screens of my television, because they were listening selectively, they missed the part where it was mentioned that the sentences was suspended, immediately the attendees' cheers returned to an immediate silence, almost as if something bad happened.

It was however confusing for me too, as such the mentioning of a suspension suspended. Then again politicians always use confusing confusion.

Let's get to the point: the ANC is for whites as they directly and indirectly influenced the decision and outcome of the disciplinary procedure. They used all the forms of media, the courts, open letters and other forms of influence, and this just to get rid of one soul Julius Malema.

Today almost every frontpage on newspapers, just report on one item i.e. Bye-Bye Julius Malema, a pity most of Malema haters don't listen to his warnings --->smile haters smile but only for a few minutes.

Truth be told most of his haters are not sure what to expect. I would say, he might be gone, he might appeal, he might win, he might loose, they might even chastise him, but his work is definitely not done... Even if it will be done to one of his cronies.

Therefore the question...

SO many questions - SO little answers...

27 October 2011

The Long Walk to Freedom

Why I am in support of the Long Walk to Freedom

This post might cause a stir and even upset a few…
So many people are against the ANCYL long walk to economic freedom and also possible job creation. I however must confess that even though I am NOT an ANCYL member I do support this march. A march labelled by lots of critics as a show off, a march to economic freedom.

What is economic freedom?

"Economic freedom is the fundamental right of every human to control his or her own labor and property. In an economically free society, individuals are free to work, produce, consume, and invest in any way they please, with that freedom both protected by the state and unconstrained by the state. In economically free societies, governments allow labor, capital and goods to move freely, and refrain from coercion or constraint of liberty beyond the extent necessary to protect and maintain liberty itself."
"A riot is the language of the unheard" by Martin Luther King Jr...What does it mean to you?  I think by "Unheard", the author is referring to those people who are neglected in the society. Those people whom no one is willing to listen to and no matter how hard they try to communicate what they want, it’s in vain. For people like these, riot becomes an outlet, a medium to prove that they exist and they are to be heard. The quotation is important because it conveys to us that the development of society should be inclusive i.e. it should comprise of people from all the sections of the society. If not, the outcome can be disruptive to the normal functioning of the society in the form of uprising/riots. It's a warning to the establishment that if they fail to engage the people in a peaceful and democratic manner, then the people will stop being peaceful and democratic, and will rebel.
It means that if the establishment (The state government, or anybody in a position of power) disenfranchises a group of people by ignoring their fears and dismissing their concerns then that group of people will eventually grow tired of trying to use the system (because it is ignoring them) and they will go outside of it, they will riot. It is important because time and again it has proven to be true. People start out peaceful and try to change the system through civilized means, and when the establishment prevents them from doing this they will often resort to violence.

A question therefore would be, but why I am in support of the economic march… well the reasons are simple.
·        No one really cares about unemployment.
·        The rich get richer even super richer.
·        All essential goods and services increase on almost a monthly basis (fuel and food prices)
·        When government advertises employment they require a long list of qualifications knowing that it is almost impossible for the black child to get these qualifications.
·        Employers in Private sector make sure that without formal education, you won’t get that opportunity.
·        Disparities amongst racial lines in employment sector.
·        Labor brokers or employment agencies will delete your e-mail applications, CV, without it being read. This can be confirmed on Blackberry or Outlook e-mail tracking facility.
·        Employment Equity, an act of Government, is not always enforced or monitored (Correctional Services having employees now going to courts for assistance).
·        What did those opposing the march do to better the youth and or the Unemployment in our country.
·        We have so many inequalities healthcare, food, shelter to name a few.
·        CEO and other Senior Management Posts are getting huge salaries and or performance bonuses whether they perform or not.
·        In the South African employment sector the rules is simple; if you’re white you’re senior if you black you just there .I never thought that I would say this but it is just to mention a few reasons why I am supporting this march. Some say they’re all supporting the march but they’re not attending it. Leadership from the ANC, COSATU and SACP is divided. How can you be an alliance is there is opposing views. We all know that this is the Youth League (ANCYL) and not the Mother body (ANC). 

I have observe media reports, making it clear that the alliance partners did not agree on this march, with COSATU saying they support but will NOT take part, however the very same COSATU always want employees (members) to bring the Country, Economic sector to a halt when they’re having differences with either their Alliance Partners or with the way Government or employers are doing things. 
The less said about the SACP the better, I don’t even know whether they have membership and or a common goal (with their partners). These divisions might cause a strain in the relationship between these partners. This is the very same reason why there must be “Strong Opposition” politics to keep those Alliance Partners in comfort zones doing actual work. One can only assume that if someone less controversial (not a Julius Malema) had to organize this event then there would not have been ANY outcry for that matter. 

People are losing focus or the scope and purpose of this march; this is not about marching or walking for the ANCYL but a walk towards Economic Freedom. We must not be blinded by our emotions, let’s rather focus on our own backyards, I grew up in an environment with highly educated professionals who had to settle for employment opportunities in the Police, Correctional Services and or Teaching Profession, in most cases employed on junior levels yet they had qualifications higher or on par with the highest paid candidate within that department or section. On our doorsteps we are faced with drug abuse, teenage pregnancies and other social ills because of unemployment or unequal economic opportunities. We have more coloured/black people in prisons because of the problems as highlighted. Our own relatives are working for FMCG companies earning only enough to transport them to an from work.

We are therefore forced to take part in these marches. To those in their comfort zones just remember change is inevitable…

SO many questions – SO little answers….

02 October 2011

DStv, Mnet - Where did ALL the magic go?

I must admit that I am not a fan of DStv despite the fact that I am a premium subscriber, who receives a monthly dish magazine by post and my statement without my consent via e-mail.
I am all for environmental friendliness so I would suggest that they rather keep the magazine and preserve nature, and sent me my monthly statement via e-mail and I will print it if I so wish. I don’t even open the dish magazine anyway as I know it will just be the ordinary repeats and lots of adverts. I must admit that there is some variety here and there, on my subscription, but what I do love is sport, actual events and movies.

What made me moving to DStv was because the SABC could not match the magic that they have promised – imagine a tagline “Mnet – where magic lives.” Mnet was the only reason I subscribed to DStv as I could not only signed up for Mnet and I was convinced it was the right decision at the time. Today I regret making that decision. My reasons are because the DStv brand changed from giving the customer various options to limited options.
I remember having a conversation with a friend who had the old decoder with the ability to watch Mnet only and was informed that the old decoder would be phased out based on the availability of stations and maybe a business decision I thought. When signing up for satellite TV was 3 easy steps, you buy the decoder, install and phone in for connection based on what’s on offer.

Today I see DStv no longer as a service provider promising where magic lives. I see the brand as “we will give you the magic IF YOU PAY.” Some would ask but why, most households having signed up for any of their packages are not even watching all content on offer but when we want movies we get repeats all the way from movies made in the early 1990’s till movies of the early 2000’s. I don’t mind being taken back on memory lane every once in a while, but with DStv it’s the norm nowadays.
If you want to watch the latest blockbuster which I agree, DStv had to pay for it, the cost are now escalated down to the customer in the form of Box Office for PVR subscribers, where you hire a latest movie for a certain period amounting to R25 per movie with DStv paying the first movie on your behalf. Some might think it’s a bargain, I obviously having a different view. Which make my liken DStv to the lottery. You donate and get nothing in return.

Simple terms as I’ve posted on #twitter I see it as a rip-off. Two quick points 1) I am not a researcher (this is based on my own views) 2) I am not a mathematician, (never really took maths serious at School) but see my calculations: The average PVR Subscriber had to part ways with any amount from between R600- R650 for subscription, the average Premium Subscriber around R590 I am not sure about the rest, maybe between R200-R400 per month, roughly calculated R6000 per annum for satellite TV, bear in mind if you miss a payment your services will be terminated there and then, without even having the opportunity to watch SABC content and you’re also expected to pay a penalty in the form of a reconnection fee.

In most cases we as subscribers spend less than four hours a day watching TV (again this was not researched), so why can’t we watch at least decent or latest movies without the need to pay R25 per movie. We already pay exorbitant amounts on the service itself. As a regular Talk Radio 702 listener, I have realized that lots of irate customers are phoning in to complain about the repeats on the satellite channels. All our pleas fall on deaf ears, the magic is gone, no one listens, posts on Facebook and twitter are ignored.
Let me assure you one thing though: If we the customer had a choice selecting our own channels, not the pre-selections things would have been better, but the service provider said no it will be too expensive. At the SABC we pay a nominal R250 for the annual licence fee, for this we get four TV Channels, without any interference, no problems when it is raining, no excuses, the same cannot be said about DStv when it is raining, the time when you really need to spend with family you cannot watch TV due to a no signal. When it comes to movies, the same outdated movie that the SABC is broadcasting is broadcasted on DStv  in most cases, almost as if they competing against each other as to who is going to show the oldest movie, especially your weekend blockbusters.

I am using the latest innovation from DStv called the #drifta; this was what I call money wasted or what business people will call wasteful expenditure. The #drifta is limited to certain areas only but even in the so-called operational areas leaving the customer with weak signals/no signals/ or mostly troubleshooting, another reason why I won’t recommend the #drifta is because of the fact that on PC the screen is small, whereas you can watch a full screen on your mobile phone. Why did they not have a separate mobile product for the mobile phone and a separate product for the PC?  

If it was up to me I would have recommended that potential or even active subscribers should refrain from DStv and stick to the SABC, as for movies; rather make it a family day and spend it at the Cinema with family, you won’t get any surprises; as you’ll get exactly what you are paying for, plus you get to spend some family time. My plea to DStv is: I know your main objective is to generate revenue, I know customer pleas fall on deaf ears, in fact I would have suggested that you had a toll free number for the times we are expected to stay on the phone lines, Please bring back the magic and I will pay for your services.

SO many questions - SO little answers…

Today's Message - Jesus wept!

Mattheus 28:18 Jesus kom toe nader en sĂȘ vir hulle: “Aan My is alle mag gegee in die hemel en op die aarde. Amen.

Ons skriflesing kom uit die Boek Johannes, hoofstuk 11 vers 30-36

Dit lees as volg  - Johannes 11:
30. Jesus het nog nie in die dorp aangekom nie, maar was nog op die plek waar Marta Hom ontmoet het.
31. Toe die Jode wat by Maria in die huis was en haar vertroos het, sien dat sy vinnig opstaan en uitgaan, het hulle agter haar aangegaan omdat hulle gedink het sy gaan na die graf toe om daar te huil.
32. Toe Maria daar aankom waar Jesus was en Hom sien, het sy by sy voete gekniel en vir Hom gesĂȘ: “Here, as U hier was, sou my broer nie gesterwe het nie.”
33. Toe Jesus sien dat Maria huil en dat die Jode wat saam met haar gekom het, ook huil, het sy gemoed vol geskiet en was Hy aangedaan.
34. Hy vra toe: “Waar het julle hom begrawe?” Hulle het vir Hom gesĂȘ: “Here, kom kyk.”
35. Jesus het gehuil.
36. Die Jode sĂȘ toe: “Kyk hoe lief het hy hom gehad!”

Wat bring is tot vandag se boodskap: Jesus Verstaan

Ons vers vir oordenking is gevind in vers #35 Jesus Huil
Ons het gelees dat Jesus gehuil het.
‘n Vraag wat ons moet vra is 1).Hoekom huil Jesus en 2).Wanneer huil Jesus.
Jesus huil wanneer Sy kinders ongehoorsaam is. (Huil ons as ons kinders ongehoorsaam is?)
Jesus het op die kruis toe Hy vir ons sondes geboet het gehuil en geskree hoekom God hom verlaat het. (Wonder ons ook nie maar nie?)
Jesus huil wanneer ons nie Sy voorbeeld volg en ons kinders disiplineer nie. (Hoekom is dit so moeilik om ons kinders te disiplineer?)
Jesus huil omdat ons die wereld eerste prioritiet in ons lewens maak.
Jesus huil as ons voorgee en nie Sy wil doen nie.
Jesus huil as ons nie meer ons naaste liefhet nie.
Jesus huil as ons skinder.

Ons kyk ook na trane van teveredenheid
Jesus huil wanneer ons bly is, dit is wat ons trane van vrede of tevredenheid noem.
Jesus huil wanneer ons Sy woord deel en mense na Hom verwys. (disipelskap)
Jesus huil wanneer ons betrokke is in sy werke.
Jesus huil wanneer ons nie skaam is om Hom te ken in al ons weáșœ nie.

Behalwe die feit dat Jesus gehuil het, verstaan Hy ook​​. Ons moet onthou dat:
Hy was gestuur om  in 'n liggaam te wees net soos ons.
Hy was mens net soos ons.
Hy weet hoe dit voel om verraai te word, laat vaar, en selfs om te sterf.
Jesus weet hoe dit voel om seer gemaak te word of om seer te maak.
Sommige mense maak nie so erg seer soos andere nie, maar ons gevoel verskil ook van mens tot mens.
Wat ons moet besef is ongeag hoeveel of hoe ons seergemaak word ons is nooit alleen nie.
Jesus het belowe dat Hy ons nooit sou verlaat nie.
Hy is hier by ons, en Hy verstaan.
Hy is nie daar om ons te veroordeel nie, maar om ons te help soveel as wat ons Hom sal toelaat om ons te help.


17 July 2011

Today's Message - The Greatest Commandment

How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in?
And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?
And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? -- Romans 10:14

Today’s Scripture comes from the Book of Matthew Chapter22 verse 34-40 it reads as follows:
The Greatest Commandment
 34 Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together. 35 One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: 36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” 37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[c] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[d] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
Which bring us to today’s passage of scripture: A question was asked by a teacher of the law and an answer was given by a Teacher of the Word.
Let’s look at our questions 1) What is the Greatest Commandment and 2) who is our neighbour? Verse 35-36: When one of these Pharisees came to Jesus and asked him the question it was not just a general question but it was in order to trap him, He asks which one is the most important Commandment?” This question was asked in order to try, not so much His knowledge, but Jesus’ judgment? Jesus in His infinite wisdom already knew that this question will be asked and He also knew the answer.
Today our Commandment (instruction) is to Love God with all our being and Love our neighbour as we Love ourselves.       
Instead of doing this task: We create division in the form of our own clicks (groupings); we are looking down on people based on their status, material wealth and maybe some other form of human measurement -  Today we judge people according to what they have or not have?  How many times did we prepare huge meals for a family of 2 or 4 only to throw the rest of the leftover food in the dustbin? How many times did we walk past people in the street, even if they serve with us in Church, without greeting or sharing a thought of encouragement? How many times did we do voluntary work, visit a hospital or prison to share GOD's Word? How many times did we visit the sick and elderly in our congregation, when they might just need a word of encouragement or know that someone is praying for them. How many times did we know our neighbour; or even those closely related to us are unemployed; yet we're not telling them about available opportunities at our workplaces. How many times did we fought with our brothers and we're not willing to forgive yet we claim that we love God?   Can we love our God sincerely if we hate our own brothers and our neighbours? The Word of God teaches us in: 1 John 4:20 “If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen.
If someone says, "I love God," but hates a Christian brother or sister, that person is a liar; for if we don't love people we can see, how can we love God, whom we cannot see?
  How many times did we make time to listen to the youth and or our children? Do we listen to them?  ) In our midst here today there might be someone sitting nexto you that is really having a difficult time, but because of fear of being ridiculed we're not willing to share our problems/weaknesses/fears/worries.  How many times did we gossip about people? How many times did we judge people. How many times did we create divisions amongst ourselves, be it at home, at work, in church, in our families?            
During the week of Pentecost we learned a few things from the Book of Matthew
1) we’ve learnt in Chapter 5: 13-16 that we're the salt of the earth.  (if salt loses its saltiness, there is no way that we can use it).
2) We’ve learnt that our light must shine so that others (those not yet converted) those lost; they must be able to see our good deeds and give God the Glory! (Love for our neighbours)
3) We’ve learnt in Chapter 7:12. Do for others what you want them do for you: and again from verse 24-26 (A house must have a solid foundation – build on a rock).  Love God because HE is our rock, Love your neighbour then there is some form of foundation to Love GOD                4)We’ve learnt in Chapter 28:16-20, Jesus met with His disciples, but some have doubted Him (they were not convinced that it was Him –how many times do we doubt God and his greatness.) That all Power was given to Him! Our instruction was to go out and make disciples baptizing them and teach them. It simply means that we must spread/preach the Gospel.                                                                                                                                                         5) I’ve also observed during the week of PenteCost; that we doubt God’s blessings; we don’t want someone to pray for us. (We either doubt Prayer or the Power of Prayer) Let me read James 5:16 I quote “confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, so that you will be healed – The Prayer of a good person has a powerful effect.”  If you doubt someone it means there is no trust and where there is no trust,there is no love!!!
VERSE: Give proper recognition to those widows who are really in need.-- 1 Timothy 5:3

Yesterday after posting this verse on #facebook one of my friends challenged me His words were: As we are celebrating MANDELA DAY and do something for 67 minutes, I challenge you as your friend base on #fb and #twitter to challenge us as your friends in line with the word you had today with widows, to do a good deed daily for 5minutes a day and then put what they did on #fb,not mentioning the names of those they helped,e.g reading a chapter from the Bible to a person who is blind, lost vision, hearing problems, but just mention the deed. Where you,we see the problem is more prevalent in your area,call on #fb peeps to create an assistance programme, that does not discriminate against anyone, religion,race,c​lass or politics and no political affilliation, but to do good as your religious word guide you as a person.
You could open a new group for it or run under your name. The feedback on the deeds will be welcome and the glory goes to GOD. I know you involved in many things, but challenge you on this.
I trust you will pray on this and be guided by what GOD, has laid upon your heart! Every year we boast about doing/sharing Good deeds on Mandela Day – what are we doing for God? This is a challenging question as God knows our thoughts and hearts.
Beloveds, if I had to challenge you today or let me ask If God had to challenge us today: with a simple request: Amongst all of us present here today: Who would be able to make a commitment to at least do one good deed, for someone you don’t know… (Regardless how small the deed).

Love prove discipleship, the mark of any Christian is Love.  Our love for God must be sincere, not in word and tongue only because he loves us first. He gave His Son to die for our sin. All our love is too little to bestow upon him, therefore all the powers of the soul must be engaged for him, and carried out toward him. To love our neighbour as ourselves is the second great commandment.  And we must love our neighbour as truly and sincerely as we love ourselves; in many cases we must deny ourselves for the good of others.
John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. We also read in 1 Peter 4:8-9 that above everything, Love one another earnestly, because love covers over many sins. Open your homes to each other without complaining.

Today there is a sense in which God loves everyone in the whole world (John 3:16; 1 John 2:2; Romans 5:8).This love in not conditional—it is based only on the fact that God is a God of love (1 John 4:8, 16). God’s love for all of mankind results in the fact that God shows His mercy by not immediately punishing people for their sins (Romans 3:23; 6:23). God’s love for the world is manifested in the fact that He gives people the opportunity to repent (2 Peter 3:9). However, God’s love for the world does not mean He will ignore sin. God is also a God of justice (2 Thessalonians 1:6). Sin cannot go unpunished forever (Romans 3:25-26). So let’s Love GOD and Love our neighbour!

Beloveds, we had lots of questions; in conclusion.
1) God's word, God's instruction is clear - LOVE GOD with your all and your neighbour as yourself.
2) Do not doubt God as His mercies and promises are forever.
3) He says in His word John 14:15 If you love ME you WILL obey My commands.
4) For this new week let's go out; as Revived, Refreshed; Christians whose lights are shining
5)Let's go out and make disciples
6)Let's do some introspection and check where we have shortcomings
7)Let's take these tests and make them testimonies

Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.


06 June 2011

Sermon - February 2011

Geliefdes, Genade en Vrede vir julle van God Onse Vader en Jesus Christus Sy Eniggebore Seun.

Liewe Broers en Susters voor die Here,
Vandag is dit vir my 'n aangename voorreg om die Woord van die Here met u te kan deel, Voordat ons by vandag se skriflesing  kom, laat ons die Heilige Gees in ons midde verwelkom; en terwyl ons ons voorberei vir vandag se woord, laat ons eers ons Geloof bely.....

Nou Geliefdes voor die Here,
Vandag se skriflesing kom uit die boek van Daniel hoofstuk 2:46-49 en daarna hoofstuk 3:16-30.

Terwyl ons ons Bybels daar oop het laat ons saam bid; sodat God Sy Woord sal

In the passage of scripture we read that these men were almost killed by King Nebuchadnezzar, as no one could explain the meaning of the Kings dreams, Daniel however heard what was expected, he then consulted with a higher power GOD, and that was how these men were saved and even promoted.  Daniel and his team, survive hardships because of their faith in God.

We further read that Shadrack, Meshack and Abednego was badmouthed, questioned and ridiculed, because they would not serve any foreign GOD but they stood firm, these men were not willing to sacrifice their faith, not even the furnace would STOP them ---------> The kings instruction was that whoever disobey his commands will be thrown in the furnace, by then it was SUPER HOT.

Because of their willpower, because of their faith, they hoped for the best (GOD) would save them and they refuse the kings commands, regardless of the outcome ------->

Two things 1)just imagine their circumstances and what they would go through ------->2) just imagine the kings face, when they told him in verses 16-18 that they will not obey his commands....

As humans they might have had their doubts; but they knew God and His capabilities, !!!---------> They knew the Power of their God.

From today’s passage of scripture: 

The most important parts that I want us to focus on is:

1) Faith and 

2) Hope.

Vandaar die titel vir vandag se boodskap. Geloof en Hoop!
Why am I dwelling on Faith and Hope is that the one cannot exist without the other, they almost move together.
You hope for something and if you believe, If you have FAITH, then the unseen will be revealed.

We Read in Hebrews Chapter 11 – 1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Life depends on both faith and hope. 
A few examples of faith:
1) When a relative is in hospital we hope for a speedy recovery.
2) When a perpetrator is arrested his family hope for bail and the complainants hope for a stiff sentence.

3) When you apply for a job you hope for an interview/job offer.
4) When faced with a crisis, we hope that God will come through for us, !!!

My question though: Do we have the faith?
I repeat DO we have the faith that God will keep his promises
-----------> Maybe we do----------------> maybe we don't.

One thing is sure though, from experience, a child in it's innocence will have the faith and the hope -as such, when a child wants to show his happiness, a child will run towards his father when the father arrives home, and the child expect the father to wait with open arms and catches him when he jumps in jubilation
- Brothers and Sisters as Christians our faith must be the same, we must have the same trust in Our Father !!!

We must in the true sense of the word Pray for rain and in the same breath opens our umbrellas waiting for the rains. !!!

I'm having this movie named Facing The Giants,(some of you might have seen it, for those who didn't see it just a brief background) The movie is about a School Football team who performed badly, to such an extent that the parents wanted the coach to be fired, and in one of the scenes the coach, who was at the right place at the wrong time, overheard, at what sounded to be an executive  meeting that he is faced with possible dismissal/axing - parents really wanted him to go.

After hearing this news, the coach then went home and immediately start reading his Bible and go on his knees praying - 

Brothers and Sisters doesn't this sound too familiar! , When we're faced with difficulties our faith comes forth, I recently listened to Pastor Liberty from Victory Ministries International on the Community Radio Station, Rainbow FM 90.7; the dial is 90.7FM for anyone who wants to tune in after the service. He remarked that Our faith comes forth when the bread bin is empty, when we really hope for better days… !!!
---------> As humans our faith is revealed when days are really dark (that's when we go on our knees) when a relative is sick, when we don't have jobs, when the bread bin is empty, that's when our faith comes forth. We hope in faith for the best.

To go back to the movie, God through His word spoke to the coach, !!! The coach then started to implement changes in his team, part of the changes was to invite God to the team. !!!
The entire status quo changes, the team’s performance improved drastically, learners starting to Pray for each other and so forth 
------>A question to be asked is why the sudden improvement?
Another question to you our brothers and sisters is: haven't you experience that, when you invite God into your lives, through faith, your entire life can change. !!! Yes your entire life can change.

1) Wherever God is, there is hope, love and faith!!!  - because God is always in three that's why the saying God Our Father, The Father, God The Son, Our elder brother Jesus Christ, and God the Holy spirit!!! -------> that's why Jesus' blood will never loose it's power.

We can also say that One person on God’s side is a majority. , I repeat One on God’s side is a majority! David overpowered the giant Goliath, why? because David was on God’s side. He had Faith.

To go back to the passage of scripture; it was through faith that Daniel, Shadrack, Meshack and Abednego overcome the enemy. In Chapter 6 of the Book Daniel we read that: Daniel was a great man of Faith and Prayer. When he had to choose between Praying to God or facing death for his beliefs, he was faithful to God. He was protected all night by an angel when he was thrown in a den of lions. We have his example to be faithful and stand up for God.

The passage of scripture also revealed that they Daniel in Chapter 2 and the rest in Chapter 3 were blessed with senior positions --------->

We must remember when we perform above expectations at work we might be blessed with some form of promotion, which we might see as a blessing, we must also bear in mind that your blessings can sometimes be a curse:
Some might ask why can a blessing be a curse: The reasons is that when you are blessed or receive a blessing:

1) You'll face opposition ----> your subordinates or those reporting to you might not always listen to you, the Unions might be at your office on a daily basis; or staff and even your own senior management might challenge you, by making unrealistic demands.

2) You'll face jealousy -------->Close friends or family who supported you all the way might disappear, they might not be happy about your progress ---- believe me, !!! These things happen - if you're a child of God, The devil will be jealous and he will use those close to you to hurt you- he wants you to change from good to bad to worse - that's his aim.

3) You'll face temptations - for instance you've never worked with a budget of thousands or hundred thousands, a scenario would be that it is January mid-month and you're faced with an unexpected emergency, remember the devil will always be there with temptations or challenges, he did it to Jesus in the dessert, What will make us different, the devil will always be there with his temptations.

We learn't that blessings can be great but it can also be a curse. !!!

We must however reclaim our blessing! We sing In Him we live, in Him we move…then it continues… If we don’t have the Spirit of God how can we reach the shore….If we believe in Christ and have made a commitment to do right, God’s blessing belongs to us. However, we must continue to speak His Word and have Godly character in order to partake of the blessing (Ephesians 1:3)

In Conclusion: 

If all these things comes your way; and believe me it will, a question from you might be why is this happening to me - the answer is to be found in the 1st book of Peter Chapter 5 verse 8 (King James Version)  8Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:-------> so what must we do,                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

1) We must renew our Faith and Commitment towards God and His Word, We must know that The blood of Jesus won't lose its power, trust in God fully and you'll be in a majority.
2) Always wear the full Armour
3) Through faith all things is possible 

4) Try to live; or live as if Jesus is coming this afternoon.                                                                                                                                                           
5) Parents please pray for your children.
6) Pray without seizing in good times as well as those challenging times.
7) Don't forget to always remember your blessings and thank God for it, !!!
8) With God nothing is impossible!!!


09 January 2011

The short term Insurance Industry

Will they be there for you in time of need? Might not sound like the correct question but these things happen? When Insurance companies sell their products they promises "heaven and earth" even after life; especially those in the short term industry; i.e. car, household and any other form of short term insurance. My experience was that I had an accident last year over the festive weekend. I phoned my short-term insurance provider and they could not assist with a courtesy car. (***note that*** the courtesy car forms part of the insurance package). I had to literally force them to assist with a courtesy car, the person who drove into me had the same experience and the insurance turn their backs on the client. Three days after submitting my claim which was done on the Monday (1st business day), the claims handler phoned me that they've decided to write off my vehicle, mind you this happens before any assessor was appointed, to inspect the damages on the vehicle. I obviously disputed this as according to my untrained eye the car could have been repaired at reasonable cost. A "coached" assessor was then appointed to go and write off the car as per instruction. This assessor then phoned me back agreeing with the claims handler that the car was in their terms "uneconomical to repair." I totally disagreed with them on procedure used and on principle and escalated the claim to the "manager" for a second opinion and a repairer/panelbeater of my choice. The process in itself had lots of bureaucracy which resulted in the manager protecting his colleague and the process was prolonged with a further two months. The claim started in January and was only settled in mid March. I had to make other plans in borrowing a car as the courtesy car was only covered for 30 days.
A few interesting facts to note before taking out insurance
Short-term insurance providers will write off your asset if they feel they will profit; with the term (uneconomical to repair).
Once submitting a claim you'll constantly have to follow up; as no one will phone you back informing you on progress or updates. (Unless you complain about poor service).
They will not follow up after taking out their product unless you're starting to claim that's when you'll know about hidden clauses (fine print).
Your agreed excess amount on the contract might even increase, regardless of the amount agreed beforehand.
Your might even held liable for tow in charges. They only cover up to a certain distance or amount.
They might not even provide the agreed cover when you need them most i.e. over the festive period/public holidays/weekends/etc.
They will have excuses such as assessors only work on certain days, brokers or car rental companies/repair workshops are not available.
You might not even get the courtesy car as agreed when taking the insurance. When you get the agreed courtesy car you'll have to pay a petrol deposit and other charges such as the windscreen, the tyres and an insurance excess if the rental car is involve in an incident.
It must also be noted that car rental companies insure their rental cars in pieces, you'll have to pay for a broken windscreen, and even the excesses might be more than the one from your insurance provider.
Your car might not be ready on time from the panelbeaters /car repair workshops due to public holidays/long weekends or the festive period in itself, by then the 30 days rental agreement on the courtesy car expires. You'll have to extend the period for your own account or being a pedestrian.
Your insurance provider who organises the courtesy car on your behalf don't cover the insurance of the rental car on your behalf, if something happens with the car whilst in your care you'll have to pay for excesses,windscreens,damages or even for third party claims if it is proven to be your fault.
Even worst if your car is written off and your claim is settled before your 30day courtesy car rental agreement expires then you must return the rental car or extend the rental agreement on your own account.
It must also be noted that if your car is written off, you don't get 1st preference to buy it back; you'll have to bid for a car that was once yours, this also at an inflated price ranging from 75 to 100% in profits for the salvage company. The salvage company will also keep your accessories i.e. your sparewheel, tools and car battery and sell the car "voetstoots."

SO many questions… SO little answers…


08 January 2011

Five Finger Prayer

Five Finger Prayer

This is so neat. I had never heard this before. This is beautiful -and it is surely worth making the 5 finger prayer a part of our lives.

1. Your thumb is nearest you. So begin your prayers by praying for those closest to you. They are the easiest to remember. To pray for our loved ones is, as C. S. Lewis once said, a 'sweet duty.'

2. The next finger is the pointing finger. Pray for those who teach,instruct and heal. This includes teachers, doctors, and ministers.They need support and wisdom in pointing others in the right direction.Keep them in your prayers.

3. The next finger is the tallest finger. It reminds us of our leaders.Pray for the president, leaders in business and industry, and administrators. These people shape our nation and guide public opinion.They need God's guidance.

4. The fourth finger is our ring finger. Surprising to many is the fact that this is our weakest finger, as any piano teacher will testify. It should remind us to pray for those who are weak, in trouble or in pain.They need your prayers day and night. You cannot pray too much for them.

5. And lastly comes our little finger - the smallest finger of all which is where we should place ourselves in relation to God and others.
As the Bible says, 'The least shall be the greatest among you.' Your pinkie should remind you to pray for yourself. By the time you have prayed for the other four groups, your own needs will be put into proper perspective and you will be able to pray for yourself more effectively. Amen

Some Laughter

A woman awakes during the night to find that her husband was not in their bed.She puts on her dressing gown and goes downstairs to look for him.She finds him sitting at the kitchen table with a hot cup of coffee infront of him. He appears to be in deep thought, just staring at the wall.
She watches as he wipes a tear from his eye and takes a sip of his coffee.'What's the matter, dear?' she whispers as she steps into the room, 'Why are you down here at this time of night?'The husband looks up from his coffee, 'I am just remembering when we first met 20 years ago and started dating. You were only 16. Do youremember back then?' he says solemnly.
The wife is touched to tears thinking that her husband is so caring, so sensitive.'Yes, I do' she replies.

The husband pauses. The words were not coming easily.'Do you remember when your father caught us in the back seat of my car?''Yes, I remember!' said the wife, lowering herself into a chair beside him.

The husband continues. 'Do you remember when he shoved the shotgun in my face and said, 'Either you marry my daughter, or I will send you to jail for 20 years?''I remember that too' she replies softly.He wipes another tear from his cheek and says...'

I would have been released today.'
