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27 August 2009

Acts of Love

Acts Of Love

A friend is someone who believes in you even when you’ve ceased to believe in yourself.

It’s funny how someone can come in and out of your life so quickly, yet leave footprints and memories in your heart forever.

There is a power greater than myself who loves me exactly as I am. The power within knows exactly who I am.

Faith must inspire action

Faith is not believing, trying or hoping

Faith develops endurance

Faith produces doers

Faith is obedience

Faith produces patience

It takes a deep commitment to change and an even deeper commitment to grow.

Deal with yourself as an individual worthy of respect and make everyone else deal with you the same way.

Intuition is the faculty that simply points the way.

There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority and control -- your mind and your mouth.

The key to patience is trusting the inner presence that knows exactly what you need. That inner presence allows everything to unfold at just the right time.

Help your friends with the things that you know, for you know these things by experience.

Life Is:
A mystery, unfold it

A journey, walk it

Painful, endure it

Beautiful, see it

A joke, laugh at it

A flower, smell it

Wonderful, enjoy it

A candle, light it

Precious, don’t waste it

A gift, open it

Love, give it

Unlimited, go for it

Light, shine in it

Conscience works on a full-time basis. Be aware and develop your conscience to guide you everyday in every way.

Friends are those rare people who ask how we are and then wait to hear the answer.

Take a day to heal from the lies you’ve told yourself and the ones that have been told to you.

Author unknown...

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