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27 October 2011

The Long Walk to Freedom

Why I am in support of the Long Walk to Freedom

This post might cause a stir and even upset a few…
So many people are against the ANCYL long walk to economic freedom and also possible job creation. I however must confess that even though I am NOT an ANCYL member I do support this march. A march labelled by lots of critics as a show off, a march to economic freedom.

What is economic freedom?

"Economic freedom is the fundamental right of every human to control his or her own labor and property. In an economically free society, individuals are free to work, produce, consume, and invest in any way they please, with that freedom both protected by the state and unconstrained by the state. In economically free societies, governments allow labor, capital and goods to move freely, and refrain from coercion or constraint of liberty beyond the extent necessary to protect and maintain liberty itself."
"A riot is the language of the unheard" by Martin Luther King Jr...What does it mean to you?  I think by "Unheard", the author is referring to those people who are neglected in the society. Those people whom no one is willing to listen to and no matter how hard they try to communicate what they want, it’s in vain. For people like these, riot becomes an outlet, a medium to prove that they exist and they are to be heard. The quotation is important because it conveys to us that the development of society should be inclusive i.e. it should comprise of people from all the sections of the society. If not, the outcome can be disruptive to the normal functioning of the society in the form of uprising/riots. It's a warning to the establishment that if they fail to engage the people in a peaceful and democratic manner, then the people will stop being peaceful and democratic, and will rebel.
It means that if the establishment (The state government, or anybody in a position of power) disenfranchises a group of people by ignoring their fears and dismissing their concerns then that group of people will eventually grow tired of trying to use the system (because it is ignoring them) and they will go outside of it, they will riot. It is important because time and again it has proven to be true. People start out peaceful and try to change the system through civilized means, and when the establishment prevents them from doing this they will often resort to violence.

A question therefore would be, but why I am in support of the economic march… well the reasons are simple.
·        No one really cares about unemployment.
·        The rich get richer even super richer.
·        All essential goods and services increase on almost a monthly basis (fuel and food prices)
·        When government advertises employment they require a long list of qualifications knowing that it is almost impossible for the black child to get these qualifications.
·        Employers in Private sector make sure that without formal education, you won’t get that opportunity.
·        Disparities amongst racial lines in employment sector.
·        Labor brokers or employment agencies will delete your e-mail applications, CV, without it being read. This can be confirmed on Blackberry or Outlook e-mail tracking facility.
·        Employment Equity, an act of Government, is not always enforced or monitored (Correctional Services having employees now going to courts for assistance).
·        What did those opposing the march do to better the youth and or the Unemployment in our country.
·        We have so many inequalities healthcare, food, shelter to name a few.
·        CEO and other Senior Management Posts are getting huge salaries and or performance bonuses whether they perform or not.
·        In the South African employment sector the rules is simple; if you’re white you’re senior if you black you just there .I never thought that I would say this but it is just to mention a few reasons why I am supporting this march. Some say they’re all supporting the march but they’re not attending it. Leadership from the ANC, COSATU and SACP is divided. How can you be an alliance is there is opposing views. We all know that this is the Youth League (ANCYL) and not the Mother body (ANC). 

I have observe media reports, making it clear that the alliance partners did not agree on this march, with COSATU saying they support but will NOT take part, however the very same COSATU always want employees (members) to bring the Country, Economic sector to a halt when they’re having differences with either their Alliance Partners or with the way Government or employers are doing things. 
The less said about the SACP the better, I don’t even know whether they have membership and or a common goal (with their partners). These divisions might cause a strain in the relationship between these partners. This is the very same reason why there must be “Strong Opposition” politics to keep those Alliance Partners in comfort zones doing actual work. One can only assume that if someone less controversial (not a Julius Malema) had to organize this event then there would not have been ANY outcry for that matter. 

People are losing focus or the scope and purpose of this march; this is not about marching or walking for the ANCYL but a walk towards Economic Freedom. We must not be blinded by our emotions, let’s rather focus on our own backyards, I grew up in an environment with highly educated professionals who had to settle for employment opportunities in the Police, Correctional Services and or Teaching Profession, in most cases employed on junior levels yet they had qualifications higher or on par with the highest paid candidate within that department or section. On our doorsteps we are faced with drug abuse, teenage pregnancies and other social ills because of unemployment or unequal economic opportunities. We have more coloured/black people in prisons because of the problems as highlighted. Our own relatives are working for FMCG companies earning only enough to transport them to an from work.

We are therefore forced to take part in these marches. To those in their comfort zones just remember change is inevitable…

SO many questions – SO little answers….

02 October 2011

DStv, Mnet - Where did ALL the magic go?

I must admit that I am not a fan of DStv despite the fact that I am a premium subscriber, who receives a monthly dish magazine by post and my statement without my consent via e-mail.
I am all for environmental friendliness so I would suggest that they rather keep the magazine and preserve nature, and sent me my monthly statement via e-mail and I will print it if I so wish. I don’t even open the dish magazine anyway as I know it will just be the ordinary repeats and lots of adverts. I must admit that there is some variety here and there, on my subscription, but what I do love is sport, actual events and movies.

What made me moving to DStv was because the SABC could not match the magic that they have promised – imagine a tagline “Mnet – where magic lives.” Mnet was the only reason I subscribed to DStv as I could not only signed up for Mnet and I was convinced it was the right decision at the time. Today I regret making that decision. My reasons are because the DStv brand changed from giving the customer various options to limited options.
I remember having a conversation with a friend who had the old decoder with the ability to watch Mnet only and was informed that the old decoder would be phased out based on the availability of stations and maybe a business decision I thought. When signing up for satellite TV was 3 easy steps, you buy the decoder, install and phone in for connection based on what’s on offer.

Today I see DStv no longer as a service provider promising where magic lives. I see the brand as “we will give you the magic IF YOU PAY.” Some would ask but why, most households having signed up for any of their packages are not even watching all content on offer but when we want movies we get repeats all the way from movies made in the early 1990’s till movies of the early 2000’s. I don’t mind being taken back on memory lane every once in a while, but with DStv it’s the norm nowadays.
If you want to watch the latest blockbuster which I agree, DStv had to pay for it, the cost are now escalated down to the customer in the form of Box Office for PVR subscribers, where you hire a latest movie for a certain period amounting to R25 per movie with DStv paying the first movie on your behalf. Some might think it’s a bargain, I obviously having a different view. Which make my liken DStv to the lottery. You donate and get nothing in return.

Simple terms as I’ve posted on #twitter I see it as a rip-off. Two quick points 1) I am not a researcher (this is based on my own views) 2) I am not a mathematician, (never really took maths serious at School) but see my calculations: The average PVR Subscriber had to part ways with any amount from between R600- R650 for subscription, the average Premium Subscriber around R590 I am not sure about the rest, maybe between R200-R400 per month, roughly calculated R6000 per annum for satellite TV, bear in mind if you miss a payment your services will be terminated there and then, without even having the opportunity to watch SABC content and you’re also expected to pay a penalty in the form of a reconnection fee.

In most cases we as subscribers spend less than four hours a day watching TV (again this was not researched), so why can’t we watch at least decent or latest movies without the need to pay R25 per movie. We already pay exorbitant amounts on the service itself. As a regular Talk Radio 702 listener, I have realized that lots of irate customers are phoning in to complain about the repeats on the satellite channels. All our pleas fall on deaf ears, the magic is gone, no one listens, posts on Facebook and twitter are ignored.
Let me assure you one thing though: If we the customer had a choice selecting our own channels, not the pre-selections things would have been better, but the service provider said no it will be too expensive. At the SABC we pay a nominal R250 for the annual licence fee, for this we get four TV Channels, without any interference, no problems when it is raining, no excuses, the same cannot be said about DStv when it is raining, the time when you really need to spend with family you cannot watch TV due to a no signal. When it comes to movies, the same outdated movie that the SABC is broadcasting is broadcasted on DStv  in most cases, almost as if they competing against each other as to who is going to show the oldest movie, especially your weekend blockbusters.

I am using the latest innovation from DStv called the #drifta; this was what I call money wasted or what business people will call wasteful expenditure. The #drifta is limited to certain areas only but even in the so-called operational areas leaving the customer with weak signals/no signals/ or mostly troubleshooting, another reason why I won’t recommend the #drifta is because of the fact that on PC the screen is small, whereas you can watch a full screen on your mobile phone. Why did they not have a separate mobile product for the mobile phone and a separate product for the PC?  

If it was up to me I would have recommended that potential or even active subscribers should refrain from DStv and stick to the SABC, as for movies; rather make it a family day and spend it at the Cinema with family, you won’t get any surprises; as you’ll get exactly what you are paying for, plus you get to spend some family time. My plea to DStv is: I know your main objective is to generate revenue, I know customer pleas fall on deaf ears, in fact I would have suggested that you had a toll free number for the times we are expected to stay on the phone lines, Please bring back the magic and I will pay for your services.

SO many questions - SO little answers…

Today's Message - Jesus wept!

Mattheus 28:18 Jesus kom toe nader en sê vir hulle: “Aan My is alle mag gegee in die hemel en op die aarde. Amen.

Ons skriflesing kom uit die Boek Johannes, hoofstuk 11 vers 30-36

Dit lees as volg  - Johannes 11:
30. Jesus het nog nie in die dorp aangekom nie, maar was nog op die plek waar Marta Hom ontmoet het.
31. Toe die Jode wat by Maria in die huis was en haar vertroos het, sien dat sy vinnig opstaan en uitgaan, het hulle agter haar aangegaan omdat hulle gedink het sy gaan na die graf toe om daar te huil.
32. Toe Maria daar aankom waar Jesus was en Hom sien, het sy by sy voete gekniel en vir Hom gesê: “Here, as U hier was, sou my broer nie gesterwe het nie.”
33. Toe Jesus sien dat Maria huil en dat die Jode wat saam met haar gekom het, ook huil, het sy gemoed vol geskiet en was Hy aangedaan.
34. Hy vra toe: “Waar het julle hom begrawe?” Hulle het vir Hom gesê: “Here, kom kyk.”
35. Jesus het gehuil.
36. Die Jode sê toe: “Kyk hoe lief het hy hom gehad!”

Wat bring is tot vandag se boodskap: Jesus Verstaan

Ons vers vir oordenking is gevind in vers #35 Jesus Huil
Ons het gelees dat Jesus gehuil het.
‘n Vraag wat ons moet vra is 1).Hoekom huil Jesus en 2).Wanneer huil Jesus.
Jesus huil wanneer Sy kinders ongehoorsaam is. (Huil ons as ons kinders ongehoorsaam is?)
Jesus het op die kruis toe Hy vir ons sondes geboet het gehuil en geskree hoekom God hom verlaat het. (Wonder ons ook nie maar nie?)
Jesus huil wanneer ons nie Sy voorbeeld volg en ons kinders disiplineer nie. (Hoekom is dit so moeilik om ons kinders te disiplineer?)
Jesus huil omdat ons die wereld eerste prioritiet in ons lewens maak.
Jesus huil as ons voorgee en nie Sy wil doen nie.
Jesus huil as ons nie meer ons naaste liefhet nie.
Jesus huil as ons skinder.

Ons kyk ook na trane van teveredenheid
Jesus huil wanneer ons bly is, dit is wat ons trane van vrede of tevredenheid noem.
Jesus huil wanneer ons Sy woord deel en mense na Hom verwys. (disipelskap)
Jesus huil wanneer ons betrokke is in sy werke.
Jesus huil wanneer ons nie skaam is om Hom te ken in al ons weẽ nie.

Behalwe die feit dat Jesus gehuil het, verstaan Hy ook​​. Ons moet onthou dat:
Hy was gestuur om  in 'n liggaam te wees net soos ons.
Hy was mens net soos ons.
Hy weet hoe dit voel om verraai te word, laat vaar, en selfs om te sterf.
Jesus weet hoe dit voel om seer gemaak te word of om seer te maak.
Sommige mense maak nie so erg seer soos andere nie, maar ons gevoel verskil ook van mens tot mens.
Wat ons moet besef is ongeag hoeveel of hoe ons seergemaak word ons is nooit alleen nie.
Jesus het belowe dat Hy ons nooit sou verlaat nie.
Hy is hier by ons, en Hy verstaan.
Hy is nie daar om ons te veroordeel nie, maar om ons te help soveel as wat ons Hom sal toelaat om ons te help.

