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21 December 2010

Seasons greetings!!!

It has been a long journey but we've made it thus far.

In my opinion 2010 has been a year of lots of challenges but also a reflection of lots of great things. It was a year of caring as well as sharing, challenges and blessings, achievements and of LEARNING:

We learned to hope, to grow, to work hard, to understand, to cry, to trust, to love, to have faith in God, to believe in ourselves, to support, to have courage, to enjoy friends, to live, to laugh, to give, to forgive, to dream, to have peace, to play, to relax and ACCEPT who we are. Indeed it HAS been rewarding in a mixture of all sorts of emotions. An apology to those that I have hurt along the way.

A special word of thanks to all those friends who e-mailed, shared inspirational messages, discussions, encouragements, jokes, personality tests, warnings, etc, that was what pulled me through this year and I am grateful and thankful for each and everyone of you. I am glad that our paths crossed in this journey we call LIFE.

Thank you all so much for being a part of my life. I would like to wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and a Peaceful New Year and may God love and keep you safe from harm during this festive season, until we meet again in the New Year.

NB: Whatever your trials and tribulations may have been in 2010 let those be a lesson for 2011, and always remember that if He brings you to it, He will see you through it.... and that in the final analysis it was not between you and them anyway, it will always be between you and GOD.


"May the road ahead always rise to greet you,

May the wind always be at your back,

May the sun shine gently on your face,

May the rain fall lightly on your fields,

And until we meet again, may God hold you softly

In the palm of His hands and bless you!"


On that note allow me to wish you all a Peaceful Christmas and a blessed New Year. To those that will be travelling during this period, we'll keep you in our prayers, please drive safely and hope you will come back refreshed.When celebrating think of those in need!

Festive message:

Hebrews 13:16 "Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to GOD"
